More Informations about Dagik
- Demo movie page
- Screen shots
- Want to put your data in Dagik?
- Make KML/KMZ files of your data: We can provide you some tips and programs to make them. IDL procedures to make KML - Put the KML/KMZ files on you WWW server
- Notice us the URL address and description of the files. We will include them in Dagik data list.
- Make KML/KMZ files of your data: We can provide you some tips and programs to make them.
- 3 rules of Dagik format
- One day, one file
- Common plot panel size
- List sharing
- Does not work? Q & A of Dagik 日本語Q & A [Japanese]
- Want to search? Search of Dagik files
- Want to learn KML? KML tutorial KML入門 (KML tutorial in Japanese)
- If you bother to select date and data, browse_dagik.kml automatically displays and refreshs some data.
- What is Dagik Earth?